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Causes that are important to us

Sadly there's growing inequality and real challenges around the cost of living and access to essentials for millions of people in the UK and Sri Lanka. We wanted to draw attention to some causes we feel strongly about.

If you are in a position to give, please do!

With the ongoing economic crisis in Sri Lanka, people are sadly in dire need of essentials from food and fuel to medical supplies. This fundraiser is to help provide medical supplies to hospitals across the island.

We are all aware of the refugee crises across the world, but also of the lack of support government has shown refugees coming to the UK. The work of charities like Breadwinners is so important, as they help train-up refugees in hospitality and break-making skills, so they are better equipped to take on meaningful jobs. 

The cost of living crisis is only worsening in the UK. Trussell Trust do some amazing work running food banks up and down the country. We make use of our van by donating large things like boxes of non-dairy milk, but you can donate via the link on the left.

As a shiny new food business still finding out feet, our contributions to causes are smaller than we want them to be. However we're absolutely commtted to see our charitable actions grow as our business grows

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